Home Renovation Progress | One Month

On July 1st we moved out of our house! For the most part I can’t believe it’s already been a months worth of progress. Everything seems to be moving really quickly and it’s great to see things start to fall into place. The walls may be bare and most of the nitty gritty details aren’t even close to being started let alone completed, but it’s all happening!

Over the last 5 weeks we have accomplished been some major things! It’s cool to see how many people are along for the ride with us, following along with the process. I thought I would share monthly updates to stay organized and share updates! Here is what went down during our first month of renovating:

In 31 days we:

  • Moved out.
  • Demo day to take down walls and cabinets. Thanks to the help of some amazing friends!!
  • Hired a demo crew to take down the rest of the walls and cut off the roof.
  • Put a tarp over the entire roofless house. Thankfully we had a group of neighborhood friends run to help!
  • The framing team built a new floor, walls and put on the roof in 2.5 days! 
  • The same friends and family rush to help us put buckets under the 30+ leaks before shingles during yet another random summer storm.
  • Shingles put on.
  • Plumbing started. 
  • Windows & stairs arrived. 
  • Three dumpsters filled!

We are really happy with the progress! The construction teams we hired are great and the amazing assistance of my grandfather, our project manager (and current roommate!) is incredibly helpful.

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