Hospital Bag Checklist & Printable

I have read all the lists, watched all the vlogs and received all the advice on what to pack for the hospital. After taking in that information, going through the book from our birthing class and honestly taking a look at myself and my normal needs, I created these hospital bag checklists. While I am sure I am overpacking, we live 30 minutes from the hospital, and even though that distance isn’t crazy, I don’t want anyone to have to go back to our house when I can just be over-prepared from the start.

hospital bag checklist

I created a list for each of us (myself, Dave and Olivia) and added or removed as needed. I also updated this list once we were home from the hospital with details on what I actually used.

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My Hospital Bag

  • dress to wear home (I should have thought this through better- I was nursing so a regular dress wasn’t a great choice, a wrap dress would have been much better while waiting to be discharged) 
  • loose t-shirt (I brought this but much preferred a tank with cardigan or PJ shirts)
  • 2 pair of large “menstrual” undies (I ended up wearing both pair of these, they were nice to have for the ride home to wear over the mesh undies)
  • cardigan (I was hot and cold throughout my entire stay)
  • blanket (I loved having my own soft and warm blanket)
  • slippers (get a pair you won’t mind tossing afterwards!)
  • delivery gown (I could easily just wear the one from the hospital but I decided to buy my own with the plan of throwing it away afterwards. I want to be comfortable and the hospital ones aren’t always very soft. I highly recommend this)
  • flip flops for the shower
  • after delivery robe
  • pillow cases
  • non-slip socks (my hospital supplied these but they were so itchy, I liked having my own)
  • extra socks
  • Ginger gummies to help with nausea
  • Tea
  • Granola bars
  • breast pump (I have the Spectra S1 and it’s the greatest.. I wear it all the time walking around the house)
  • razor
  • lanolin nipple cream (the hospital gave me a tiny tube but I am not sure if that is usual practice)
  • soothing gel nipple pads
  • prenatal vitamins
  • hair ties
  • makeup (waterproof mascara, waterproof eyeliner)
  • chapstick
  • facial wipes
  • towel
  • dirty clothes bag
  • deodorant
  • toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • mints
  • mouthwash
  • dry shampoo
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • body wash
  • belly lotion
  • makeup wipes
  • hair brush
  • hand lotion
  • sanitizer
  • tucks witch hazel pads
  • lavender spray
  • jewelry bag (I don’t plan on wearing jewelry, but if I happen to have earrings and a necklace on when I go to the hospital I wanted somewhere to put them)
  • peppermint oil (eases vomiting and smells nice)
  • license
  • insurance Card
  • social security card
  • camera
  • SD Cards
  • laptop (to watch movies)
  • laptop charger
  • phone
  • phone charger with long cord
  • hospital admissions form
  • pediatrician information
  • copy of SS card
  • copy of drivers license
  • copy of insurance card
  • music
  • baby book
  • nurse gifts
  • list of people to call
  • cash
  • boppy pillow
  • large tervis (I didn’t use this because the hospital gave me a huge and wonderful cup that I used for months!)
  • small speaker
  • LED Candle
  • book
  • headphones
Daves Hospital Bag- He doesn’t need as much as I do and he’s comfortable in pretty much anything (literally- he sleeps in jeans all the time) but I still wanted to have a list prepared.
  • cash for vending machines
  • blanket
  • pillow (our hospital told us during the tour that they do not have these for dad during labor & delivery, but they do give him a small pillow when we are moved to postpartum) 
  • towel
  • push present 😉
  • sweatshirt
  • PJs
  • socks
  • easy on shoes
  • deodorant
  • shirts (maybe 1 button up, but mostly comfortable t shirts)
  • notecard with last minute items list (phone chargers, camera charger, pillows, etc)
Olivia’s Bag
There you have it! The longest hospital bag checklist ever 😉 Everyone likes to have different items for their comfort, so a few things may seem excessive to you but I highly recommend over-packing instead of not bringing enough.
What were your must have items?

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