Our Last Day In Paris, France

day in Paris

After our amazing day in Disneyland Paris, we had two more full day in Paris to explore the city. We kept the first day pretty low key and enjoyed time with our friends. It was nice to have a day just to relax and live in their Parisian lives for a bit. Then on our last day in Paris, we squeezed a few things in.

Dave’s favorite memory ever is when we had croissants outside of The Louvre on our first trip to Paris, so I wanted to do that again if we had the time. Our friends had never been to The Louvre and wanted to explore inside, so we decided to check out everything around it while they did the museum. We had breakfast, walked around, explored the mall underneath The Louvre, and took some time to relax and soak it all in. It was bittersweet knowing we were going home the next day. Our honeymoon was the best it could have been and having time to reflect on that was nice.

When our friends finished their tour, it was time to start the adventure of the Eiffel Tower. One thing we didn’t get to do while we were there the first time was go to the top, which we wanted to do this time around! Again, since we have the coolest friends in the world, they were all about it as well. Have I mentioned how great it is to find people you can travel with?

day in Paris

We purchased our tickets for the journey to the top of the Eiffel tower at least 3 months in advance, because the line is what prevented us from doing this before. I didn’t want to spend 3+ hours waiting to buy tickets, then waiting to go up to the second level, and waiting again to get to the top. We did end up having to wait in line once we were on the second level, but this was no problem. The view on every level was beautiful, it’s stunning getting to see Paris from above. The layout of the roads is even stunning.

day in Paris

We took our time admiring the view from the top, and then made our way to the first level. This was my favorite part! Some areas had a glass bottom (our husbands were afraid of this- but we were all about it). There were bikes that charged your phone while you were riding them, a bar, and swings made of pallets. We could have hung out on this floor for hours, but we knew we had dinner plans. It was so unique and not something I expected. I little getaway from the madness in one of the most popular tourist locations EVER.

After we were able to take in the views, we decided to go see the Arch de Triumph. I had always wondered how people were able to get to the center of the arch because it is right in the middle of a very busy traffic circle. The underground tunnels led you from the outside to the center, so we were able to safely make it. We weren’t able to go to the top, but just seeing the Arch up close was very cool. Afterwards we walked around for so long trying to find crepes, and we just weren’t having any luck, we decided to give up and go back to the apartment…only for our friends to tell us there was a crepe place right across the street. They were inexpensive and amazing, perfect ending to a great stay.

That night we hung out at the apartment and then went out for a birthday party, and enjoyed some cocktails before realizing we still needed to pack. We snuck back, packed everything we could and then continued to celebrate our very last night of out Honeymoon! I am so thankful for this almost 3 week trip and i wouldn’t trade it for the world. Dave and I were able to experience new countries, explore places we could only dream of, and we did it all as newlyweds.

Thankfully, I still have a few posts from on our cruise to tell, because I am not ready for this to be over!

day in Paris Paris, France 0 day in Paris day in Paris day in Paris

day in Paris

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