The Other Side of Vegas

Next month I will be traveling from NYC to San Antonio, back to NYC and then to Vegas! While all of these trips are for work conferences and conventions, there is bound to be some down time in NYC between two visits and Vegas since I am there the longest. I am very excited for these conferences because they are unlike any that I have attended for work before. I normally attend career and college conferences, but the fast approaching ones are more technology driven and look super fun! I pretty much know what I am going to do in New York because I know the area and what I want to do, but Vegas has so many open doors, I just don’t know which to take!
The only other time I visited Vegas was 2 years ago with two of my girlfriends, and we had a blast! Stayed up until morning, got all the free super huge drinks we could, and tweeted things like “#VegasParty and #VegasRage” to get promotors to tweet us about getting on The List. This time though will be different, I won’t be doing the party thing every night, I won’t need to wear a short skirt to get free drinks because some are provided through the conference, and I am going with all development guys from work. I always said the next time I went back would be with Dave, but oops, I was wrong.
All in all I am really excited because I will have time to myself to explore! I didn’t get to do much of that last time because we were at the opposite end of the Strip from where all the happenings and huge hotels are. It was also 110 degrees so we weren’t walking, and we for sure weren’t about to pay $40 for a taxi. I am so happy I will be able to walk around and see everything I want to see, but I don’t know everything I should do!
So far on my list I want to:
-Get a picture with the Vegas sign
-See the Fountains of Bellagio
-Walk around The Venetian
-Walk around New York, New York
What else should I aim to do/see while I am in Vegas?